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coralie and wilver

"VillaWasi of Poetry is a place that brings together everything that I have learned to define as essential. It is a wild place in the Amazon, which invites poetry. There are a lot of fruits. We have a small blue theater and a pink kitchen. Here we welcome environmental activists, eco-guards, guardians of thebiodiversity, ornithologists, environmental scientists with all due regard. But also people with a project of creation, ofwriting,de research... We are at the entrance to a protected reserve where 527 species of birds live. To access Villa Wasi, you have to get on a boat and travel the Huallaga River; tributary of the Amazon River which stretches from the Andes Mountains to the Atlantic Ocean. Coralie- Originally from Brittany, author, photographer, artistic pedagogue (Website-Youtube interview  )

"In  Villa Wasi you can enjoy the nature in its maximum expression. We care for Mother Earth, with gratitude for all the riches she offers us. We sow, reap, we cook. Wasi means House in Quechua. I hope this house will be a place of inspiration and music, composed to the rhythm of nature" Wilver-Originally from the Andes, musician, dancer, teacher, farmer-

Villa Wasi is a place of (re)connection to the nature, the earth, to the living, to beauty... a place of consistency and self-alignment and wonder. And we're very happy to be able to accommodate you today in this marvelous space, in perpetual motion.


We have imagined, draw and built Villa Wasi to actively contribute to the preservation of life on earth in connection with local communities - and we call, with each new moon, for this energy to join that of thousands of other life-creating energies - in the face of deadly and destructive energies - to enable us and future generations to live on a            livable planet  "

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